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Showing posts from July, 2012

Rampart & Toulouse is reviewed at Prick of the Spindle

Cynthia Reeser, Editor-in-Chief and founder of Prick of the Spindle  and publisher of Aqueous Books , has written a nice review of my second book, Rampart & Toulouse . You may read it here in Volume 6.2

"Sweet Bird of Truth" in Thunder Sandwich #27

After a long hiatus, Thunder Sandwich  is back with issue #27 . I'm happy to have my story " Sweet Bird of Truth " there among these great writers and poets: Gerald Nicosia A.D. Winans Ron Androla RD Armstrong Ronald Baat Rusty Barnes Luis Cuauhtemoc Berriozaba Tom Blessing Harry Calhoun Alan Catlin Glenn Cooper Joan Colby Aleathia Drehmer Verless Doran William Doreski Curtis Dunlap J. K. Durick RC Edrington Ryan Quinn Flanagan Ray Foreman Timothy Gager Karla Huston Marlene Elisabeth Lennon Lyn Lifshin R.J. Looney Helen Losse Jack Marlowe Tony Moffeit Carter Monroe Sheila Murphy Daniel Pietraszewski Dan Raphael Charles Ries Margaret A. Robinson Ryan Scariano Coleen Shin Willie Smith Bart Solarczyk Jenny Strawson Cheryl Townsend Joseph Veronneau Teresa White Mark Hartenbach Jolene Riggs-Burke Frank Reardon Gerald Yelle Featured writers Ned Wynn DB Cox Mike Boyle Kristin Fouquet Anita Garner Joe Farley Rudy Koshar Keith Jones Paul Anderson Founder & Editor in Chief Ji...

R.I.P. Uncle Lionel Batiste

"Spring in Lafayette Cemetery" in Sleet Magazine

"#21" of   Spring in Lafayette Cemetery photo series, copyright 2012 Kristin Fouquet This is #21 in my photo series "Spring in Lafayette Cemetery" which you can view as a slideshow in Volume 4 Number 1.5 • Summer 2012 of Sleet Magazine here:

Members' Exhibition Extended

"Members' Exhibition Opening with Kristin Fouquet" copyright 2012 James Thiebaud Here I am laughing and looking insanely happy with my two photographs at the Members' Exhibition opening on June 9th. I've learned the exhibit has been extended until July 22nd. So, if you're in New Orleans, you can pop by the New Orleans Photo Alliance's gallery on St. Mary to view it. If not, the show is now online at the website here: