I am thrilled to have guest blogger, Caleb J. Ross, here at Le Salon Annex . He is the writer of the wonderful collection of short stories Charactered Pieces , which I reviewed here and the terrific novel Stranger Will , reviewed here . Thanks, Caleb, for visiting my humble virtual abode and welcome. Cleaning up death is becoming popular This is a guest post by Caleb J Ross (also known as Caleb Ross , to people who hate Js) as part of his Stranger Will Tour for Strange blog tour. He will be guest-posting beginning with the release of his novel Stranger Will in March 2011 to the release of his second novel, I Didn’t Mean to Be Kevin and novella, As a Machine and Parts, in November 2011. If you have connections to a lit blog of any type, professional journal or personal site, please contact him . To be a groupie and follow this tour, subscribe to the Caleb J Ross blog RSS feed . Follow him on Twitter: @calebjross.com . Friend him on Facebook: Facebook.com/rosscaleb Before Strang...